Dev Samaj College of Education for Women, Ferozepur, is an educational institution, which stands for quality and humanity without compromises. It is an institution of high repute having carved a name for itself with achievements of unrivalled standards.

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A Research Ethical Committee is a group of people appointed to review research proposals to assess formally if the research is ethical. This means the research must conform to recognised ethical standards, which includes respecting the dignity, rights, safety and wellbeing of the people who take part.

  • The Ethical Committee is responsible for the ethical evaluation of research projects
  • All researchers must respect and welcome the contribution of the Ethical committee.
  • The Ethical committee is responsible to raise awareness with regards to malpractices in research promoting and recommending Research Integrity in all endeavours.
  • Find strategic and effective ways to curb plagiarism.
  • Educate and inform researchers on the importance of Intellectual Property Rights.