Dev Samaj College of Education for Women, Ferozepur, is an educational institution, which stands for quality and humanity without compromises. It is an institution of high repute having carved a name for itself with achievements of unrivalled standards.

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Human Rights Cell

Human Rights Cell is setup in order to bring the awareness among the faculties, staffs and students with respect to human rights. It also aims at personality development of individual and teach them to lead a decent and dignified life without infringing the rights of others. Human rights have implicit importance as they are considered indispensable for the survival of human beings.The cell works to promote, preserve and implement human rights through effective institutional policy development, capability building and control of human rights violations. The cell holds meetings in every semester and works as redressal forum for the grievances of any dispute related with human rights violation.

The constitution of the cell for academic year 2023-24 is as follows-
Sr. No. In-Charge Name
1. Dr. Rajni Khunger
2. Dr. Harsangeet Kaur