Dev Samaj College of Education for Women, Ferozepur, is an educational institution, which stands for quality and humanity without compromises. It is an institution of high repute having carved a name for itself with achievements of unrivalled standards.

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Mathematics lab

It is a unique room or place, with relevant and up-to-date equipment known as instructional materials, designed for the teaching and learning of mathematics or research work, whereby professionally qualified Lecturer readily interact with the students on specified set of instructions. It is an approach to teaching and learning of mathematics which provides opportunity to the learners tolearn abstract mathematical ideas through their own experiences, that is to relate symbol to realities. The lab provides wide variety of materials to play with and learn the concepts. It also encourages group learning and co-operative learning among children. The activities in the maths lab appeal to the wide range of students, of different ages and varying in the proficiency of mathematical expression.